Friday, December 11, 2015

My 3D Shape Writing

In Hub 2 we made 3D shapes with our own sketching on them. Here is what we did from start to finish.

  1. We had to draw a net for our shape. I did a cub net. A net is the base/template for your shape.
  2. Then we had to make sure all the faces were even, otherwise the shape wouldn’t fold up properly.
  3. After we were completely sure that it was even, we had to cut it out.
  4. We then chose a scene for our net. I chose outdoors. Each scene had sentences that we had to think of in our mind and sketch them.
  5. After we had finished sketching on all our faces, we had to glue and fold up our cube.
  6. Now we have finished our cube.

That is what I did to make my 3D shape.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My First Draft

Maddy - Personality.

Bursting through the door every morning, she is always rearing to go. She is all over the place and will help you overcome some of your fears.  No matter how sad you are, she can always manage to make you smile. Joking around for hours, I’m sure she would never stop.

Because of her friendly personality, she is always there to greet you. Outgoing and stubborn, she will always go her own way. She is kind-hearted and will help you out whenever you need her. Somehow, every day, she convinces her dad to take her surfing. One way or another, she will make her dad give in. Maddy has her own unique personality and isn’t afraid to be herself.

Having a bubbly personality, she is full of ideas and always thinking ahead of time. She can be organised, but most of the time she just makes her life up as she goes. As she gets ready in the morning, she moans all the time, just because she wants to get going.

Revised Writing

Maddy - Personality.

Bursting through the door every morning, always rearing to go. She is all over the place and will help you overcome some of your fears.  No matter how sad you are, she can always manage to make you smile. Joking around for hours, I’m sure Maddy would never stop.

Because of her friendly personality, Maddy is always there to greet you. Outgoing and stubborn, she will always go her own way. She is kind-hearted and will help you out whenever you need her. Somehow, every day, Maddy convinces her dad to take her surfing. One way or another, she makes her dad give in. Maddy has her own unique personality and isn’t afraid to be herself.

Having a bubbly personality, Maddy is full of ideas and always thinking ahead of time. She can be organised, but most of the time she just makes her life up as she goes. As Maddy gets ready in the morning, she moans all the time, just because she wants to get going.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Dog Savior.

While reading the news, I came across this article about a  dog that saved a family's life. The family left the stove on in the night, and at  midnight, the gas was leaking out of the stove. The dog woke the parents up and they turned off the stove.

I found it interesting because it just shows that if you treat dogs well, then they will be very loyal to you.

It makes me think of  when your dog does even the littlest thing to help you, it makes you realise that they really are so special.

My opinion about  that dog is he is so loyal and will do anything for that family. After being rescued from an animal shelter 2 weeks before, he must have been so grateful.

I wish I understood why dogs are so loyal, and yet cats aren’t.

Now I understand why it’s so important to treat your dog how they want because maybe one day they might just save your life.

This is similar to when a dog I saw on T.V saved a family from a fire when they left the stove on.

I wonder if some dogs do this to thank their owners for looking after them and if you mistreat them, they protect themselves but not you.

I really like the way the dog was so protective and never gave up trying to wake up the humans.

I realised that dogs really are more than a pet, and they are  a loyal friend.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

My First Draft


Her curly, messy, shiny brown hair, looks as though she has been dragged through the bush. It waves and quivers with every movement she makes. Although it is so soft, it looks like she never washes it. She has fair, creamy, skin, that feels so soft, you could mistake it for cotton. It gets sunburnt so easily, she has to coat herself in sunscreen whenever she is outside.

Those long, amazing legs, stretch on forever making her tower up above me. She has gotten so tall now because of those long powerful legs. I bet she could run forever and ever.  Eyes as blue as the ocean, sit on her friendly, freckled face. I think, that anything that passes her, secretly catches her eye. They are so deep and blue you couldn’t tell if they had water in them or not.

My Revised Writing


Her curly, messy, brown hair, looks as though she has been dragged through the bush. With every movement she makes, it waves. Although it feels so smooth, it looks like she never washes it. She has creamy, fair skin, that feels so delicate and soft, you could mistake it for cotton. The sun burns her skin easily, she has to coat herself in sunscreen, whenever she’s outside.

Those long, incredible, legs, stretch on forever making her tower above me. She has gotten so tall now, because of those expanded, powerful, legs. I bet she could run forever and ever.  Eyes, a stunning deep blue, sit on her freckled face. I bet, that when anything passes her, she sees it. They are so blue, you couldn’t tell if they had water in them or not.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

100 Word Challenge

Once upon a time there was an Elephant named Ellie and a horse named River. They were walking in the woods one day and they found a girl that was crying. Ellie and River did all they could to calm the girl down but she just wouldn’t stop crying. She explained that she had lost her teddy. Suddenly River spotted the teddy and Ellie got it down. The girl and the teddy were reunited and they girl finally stopped crying. The girl told the teddy off for running away, and she said. “ My name is Abigail” and she skipped off.

RWC Boy.

I feel like I’m dreaming, although I know it’s real.  Maybe it's not!  Did Sonny Bill just give me his medal? He did, no he can’t have.  I’m so overwhelmed and I can’t believe that just happened. I’m the luckiest kid in the world!

I can hear lots of cheering and screaming, and everyone is so excited for me. I hear so much shouting,  I feel as if I will go deaf. All the shouts faded away when Sonny Bill gave me his medal, but now they are back.

I think I smell sausages cooking on a barbecue waiting to be eaten, but I’m too excited to want one. That medal means so much to me, although it stinks of a sweaty rugby jersey. The sweat is so salty and smells of the sea.

I can taste the sweat on the medal when I kiss it. It tastes of salty sweat that makes me want to vomit. I still do it again,  although I’m too happy to notice the taste anymore.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Character Description - My First Draft.

Maddy-In Australia.

Her curly, messy, shiny brown hair, looks as though she has been dragged through the bush. It waves and quivers with every movement she makes. Although it is so soft, it looks like she never washes it.

She has fair, sunburnt skin, that feels so soft, you could mistake it for cotton. It gets sunburnt so easily, she has to coat herself in sunscreen. Luckily, her tight pink wetsuit, covers most of her body. She wears that wetsuit nearly all day, because she is always surfing and swimming. It is amazing how she doesn’t get sick of that old wetsuit, Because it’s nearly to small for her now.

Even though freckles cover her face, they make and effective shape like dust was sprinkled all over it. It makes her herself and very different, because no one in the world has freckles as unique as hers. On that face there is a big toothy smile that could never be forgotten. I love her smile and it always cheers me up.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


All About My holidays!

Nuggets for lunch
One Mile Beach
Candy Floss
Pony Riding
Quest for a fun holidays (done)
Roller Coasters
Guinea Pigs
Tall friends
Hot Sun
Underwater Creatures.
Ice Cream
Vivid Memories
Jumping in Waves
Whales And Wet’n’Wild
X-ray bags
Movie World

Thursday, September 24, 2015

My Learning Goals

  1. This term, the most challenging / difficult thing for me was.... Working in the companies and groups for the moving thing because some of my group weren’t cooperating with each other.
  2. I now know / I discovered… That systems make up our life and I have learnt a lot about systems.
  3. The most enjoyable / fun part of the term was… Moving into the hall and working in different environment.
  4. I wonder if… Moving into the hall changes some kids learning and how they work.

  1. Next term, my goal is to / my next step is… to properly understand my maths and work as hard as I can and improve on things.


Newsletter Article - The Big Move

As you have heard, in the last few weeks, Hub Two have moved into the hall. Plus, there have been construction workers, diggers and trucks coming in lately. You are probably wondering why is all this is happening, and how are we learning in this environment.
Well, it isn't all bad. It may seem as though we are getting distracted by all the noise, but we are learning to control ourselves properly. We are no longer having one teacher, but are having three different teachers, and are getting more choices to how we are going to work. We have learnt to monitor ourselves, and be self aware of the choices we are making, and where we are sitting.

I am finding it very fun in the hall, and I am achieving more. I think it’s because I have more spaces to learn, and more freedom with what I want to do. I also am learning to be more aware of where I am sitting and how I am working.

See, I told you that learning in the hall doesn’t affect our learning at all. Remember that it may seem like it’s loud, but now, we don’t even notice it. Also, we are still learning the same way as we were in our old classrooms, but now we are in one big space instead of three small spaces.

By Kaelyn

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Me Straddling the Fence.

One day I was walking along the wet fence in very slippery gumboots and I slipped. And you guessed it, I straddled the fence. When I finally got up to the house, my bum was very sore and I had big scrapes on it. That night before my big accident my calf had kicked me three times! Twice on my leg and once on my arm. So I was very bumped and bruised the next day. Now, that fence is my enemy.

The Time I Never Forget.

One day, I was riding my new bike down a hill in town, and guess what, I forgot which brake was which. I raced down the hill and when I was going to stop, I pulled the front brake and the front of the bike stopped, but the back of the bike flew up. It seemed as though the bike bucked me off and I flew through the air like superman. It was fun until I landed half an my face, and half on my chest. I also scraped my knees. We walked slowly home and the next morning, I had big scabs and bruises. Now that bike is to small for me now so I got a new one and gave my old one to my brother. The first thing I told him, was that when he is going down a hill, never pull the front brake!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Senior School Rebuild

Senior School Rebuild.

The Senior School at DSS is having a big change. We are no longer Room 1,2,3,4 and 5 We are Hub 1 and Hub2.
The buildings had to be knocked down so that we could make the classrooms change into what we wanted them.

When we were ready, a big truck came and unloaded a humongous digger. We were all watching from the window fascinated, until Mr Marks said we could go outside and watch what they were doing up close. When we out there the Digger was smashing down Mr Gunns Office and Mrs Sinclair's.

It was very noisy. I wondered if the junior school and middle school  could hear it and were struggling to learn.

That is what was happening with the rebuild so far.

Daffodil Art

First we got some hessium and cut it down the semes. Then we pulled all the little threads out that were hanging around.
After that we had some threads that were attached to the top and bottom of the cut lines. We chose some green wool that we liked and wrapped it around. Screenshot 2015-09-11 at 2.11.18 PM.png
After that we cut out the daffodil shapes and glued them on. Then we stuck our art onto a colored piece of paper. Then we had finished.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Cross Country. Being a Shoe.

Cross Country. Shoe’s Perspective.

“Woah! Hey!” What’s the rush? I wonder as I get thrown in the car.
“You can’t just chuck me!”

Oh, By the way I am a shoe and my name is Ellie. I have a very annoying sister Sally. She moans about everything!

The next thing I know is we are driving in the car going somewhere.  Sally is blabbering on about just getting thrown in the car so quickly. When we get to where we won't to go, I realize that we are at school again!  

But then I see that this is no normal school day this is Cross Country! How exciting! I remember this from last year! It was so much fun and we came second. I can’t wait till it’s our turn!

I tell Sally the good news but all she does is groans. “ Last time we came here, I got covered in mud and didn’t get washed for a week. Kaelyn sits down and I am bubbling, bursting and fizzing with excitement.  

“Nine year olds.” One of the teachers call. Thats us! As we line up I a bit nervous. Then, Ready, Set, GO!!!!

We are off!!!! We are in the 4th position and I am urging Kaelyn to go faster. But she paces herself. We are near The roundabout and Kaelyns mum is cheering her on. Then we end up in 3rd place! As we turn a few corners, we are up at the alley way and  we are far ahead of the 4th position. Kaelyn is fighting for second place.

Oh no, Here comes the alley way. Sharp Stones dig into my body, I feel that any moment I will start to bleed.

Then off the stones into the cold squishy  mud that covers my body. “C’mon you can do it Kaelyn!” I hear the crowd saying. We have still held the 3rd position as we  are turning past the zig zags. Then I see it. The finish! I smell sweat churning up amongst the sock.  Then we cross the line! 3rd place!

Now me and Sally are no longer Ellie and Sally, together we are SMELLY!!!!!

I have to admit, I do feel a bit squished! I get taken of and oh that fresh air! Even Sally is enjoying it.

That was the end of Cross Country day!

By Kaelyn

Thursday, August 13, 2015

I Need a New Pony Now!

Dear Mum and Dad,

I Strongly believe that I need a New Pony and fast! Because of all the reasons I am about to tell you, I definitely think I should get one soon. It would be loads of fun and everyone would be happy, here's why...

Firstly because, Trampy really needs a friend. Imagine how lonely he is feeling stuck in that paddock all day long by himself, with no one to keep him company. I bet you would feel lonely if you were stuck there all day long.

Secondly because I would love to go on treks with you and none of us would have to walk. I know you want too! Don’t you just love that when we can do that?  However with two horses it would be such an advantage. Wouldn’t Trampy get annoyed when he wants to get going and we have to stop all the time to swap. With two ponies none of us would have to walk. It would be a lot quicker and more fun if we didn’t have to change around, and that is why I strongly suggest that I need a new pony.

Thirdly it must be really annoying having to carry the hay and meal all at the same time! If not you would have to do two trips all the way to the paddock. There and back, there and back. I bet you hate that! Then if I had a pony I wouldn't have any exquis to not help you carry the feed

The last reason is that I used to have Toby, my other pony, but since he bucked me off, we sold him. He was really friendly and he was cuddly. So now I need another pony to make up for him. I really miss him too.

Because of all the reasons I have outlined above, deeply think that I should be aloud to have new pony now! Make sure you remember going on treks without having to stop. I know we would definitely have fun with two ponies.  

Yours Sincerely


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Cross Country Goal

My Goal for Cross Country this year is to come a placing and go to districts. I think I might achieve it if I try my hardest.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Here is my first attempt this year at persuasive.

The Holidays are Too Short.

Dear Hekia Parata,

Don't you just love relaxing and not having to rush?  Even thinking about being on a three week holiday  would definitely be relaxing. I am writing to you because I definitely think the holidays are too short. Because of all the reasons I am about to tell you, in my opinion the holidays must be longer than two weeks.

Firstly children have not enough time to go and travel. This is because by the time they get to the place they want to go, they have to go home again. Otherwise they won’t make it to school in time. If you had a 3 week holiday you wouldn’t have to rush your traveling, you would have another whole week to get home and do anything you need to do. You could even go to more than one place! You would still have time to recover from your holiday too. Otherwise you might fall asleep in the middle of the first day back at school. Imagine that! So embarrassing! It feels like you almost need another holiday because you are way too tired that you can’t even think. All you want to do is have the holidays back. That last week would work perfectly as another holiday.

Secondly, if they were longer you could get all ready for the next term and you wouldn’t have to worry about it when you get to school after the holidays. There is nothing worse than getting to school and having nothing ready! How would you feel if you came home from travelling, and was all stressed because there was only one day left, and you just don't have time to get ready?

Another reason is that, some children have to do so many chores that they don't have any time to see friends and family. Imagine that! Everyone seeing their friends and family and your stuck doing heaps of chores. If we had a 3 week holiday we could at least have some fun because we would have more time. There would be plenty of time to visit your grandparents or friends and family.

The last reason is because if it rained or the weather was bad for ages, you would at least have a bit of time to go out and do some activities. Otherwise, if we had a 2 week holiday, we wouldn’t have any time to go outside and have fun or do anything. By the time the rain stops you have to go back to school!

I think the holidays should be longer because of all the reasons I have outlined above.

Yours Sincerely,


Thursday, July 23, 2015

My Holidays.

One of my Favourite Days in the Holidays.

It was when Ryleigh came over as well as all my other friends. We all went down to ride the horses and had a blast.

Me and my friend Charlotte loved riding horses and we had done it so much we were jumping barrels. Ryleigh was horse mad like us and had horses at home. All the other people that had came had a ride too. Most of them rode both horses. The horse's names were Trampy and Coasty.

Coasty was a pony that we were looking after because the owners didn't have any farmland.

Once we had all had a ride we unpacked the horses and had some lunch. The adults announced that we were going on the river walk. We got ready with our shoes on and off we went.

When we started there were a whole lot of leaves. We all got into a big leaf fight! Then we buried each other. After that we grabbed a bunch of leaves and threw them in the air. By the time we started to carry on with our walk, I had leaves all down my back! It tickled!

Soon enough the walk was almost over. We each had a fruit burst and carried on chatting!

Once we had finished the walk we all went home and decided to go to the Keoghs for dinner.

At the Keoghs Charlotte and her sister Rachel, Jamie, Alex, my brother Rhys and I, all played a game of touch rugby. I had never played it before so it was all new to me. I was proud of myself though, because I scored 2 or 3 tries for my team.

Once it got dark we went inside and had burgers for dinner.

After dinner me and Charlotte made up a dance and showed the adults. Then all the other girls made up a dance and had no idea what they were even doing because they hadn't made it up. They sort of just copied each other. It was really funny but was cool.

The next thing I knew we were on our way home. I was really tired and fell asleep as soon as I got in bed. The was the one of the best days in the holidays that I had.

By Kaelyn

Friday, July 3, 2015

Significant Event

Captain Cook Finding NZ

Captain Cook was born in Yorkshire, England. He entered the navy as an able Seaman in 1775. By 1768 he had been chosen as first officer. He was given command of the Bark Endeavour. (A well built ship of 368 tons.) In the same year, he got given instructions to set sail across the pacific ocean so he could study how the planet Venus travels across the sun. On his way he found New Zealand. This event was predicted to take place on the 3rd of June 1769.  The actual journey didn’t happen again until 105 years later.   

Why it is Significant?
This event is significant because he found New Zealand and we could have been living in another country because New Zealand wouldn't be found. We could have been living over in Australia!  

Why it has effect on us?
It affected all of New Zealand because we would probably wouldn’t know about it and we would basically be living in another country. Also because some of the people that heard about it, would have gone to live there and see what it was like. They probably would have learnt a whole new language and culture because of the Mauri being there.

Similar events
Some similar events are when people find things that are important and that have an effect on either the world, country or community.

Captain Cook found NZ and let us be able to live in this safe, amazing country.

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