Monday, November 30, 2015

Dog Savior.

While reading the news, I came across this article about a  dog that saved a family's life. The family left the stove on in the night, and at  midnight, the gas was leaking out of the stove. The dog woke the parents up and they turned off the stove.

I found it interesting because it just shows that if you treat dogs well, then they will be very loyal to you.

It makes me think of  when your dog does even the littlest thing to help you, it makes you realise that they really are so special.

My opinion about  that dog is he is so loyal and will do anything for that family. After being rescued from an animal shelter 2 weeks before, he must have been so grateful.

I wish I understood why dogs are so loyal, and yet cats aren’t.

Now I understand why it’s so important to treat your dog how they want because maybe one day they might just save your life.

This is similar to when a dog I saw on T.V saved a family from a fire when they left the stove on.

I wonder if some dogs do this to thank their owners for looking after them and if you mistreat them, they protect themselves but not you.

I really like the way the dog was so protective and never gave up trying to wake up the humans.

I realised that dogs really are more than a pet, and they are  a loyal friend.

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