Thursday, August 13, 2015

I Need a New Pony Now!

Dear Mum and Dad,

I Strongly believe that I need a New Pony and fast! Because of all the reasons I am about to tell you, I definitely think I should get one soon. It would be loads of fun and everyone would be happy, here's why...

Firstly because, Trampy really needs a friend. Imagine how lonely he is feeling stuck in that paddock all day long by himself, with no one to keep him company. I bet you would feel lonely if you were stuck there all day long.

Secondly because I would love to go on treks with you and none of us would have to walk. I know you want too! Don’t you just love that when we can do that?  However with two horses it would be such an advantage. Wouldn’t Trampy get annoyed when he wants to get going and we have to stop all the time to swap. With two ponies none of us would have to walk. It would be a lot quicker and more fun if we didn’t have to change around, and that is why I strongly suggest that I need a new pony.

Thirdly it must be really annoying having to carry the hay and meal all at the same time! If not you would have to do two trips all the way to the paddock. There and back, there and back. I bet you hate that! Then if I had a pony I wouldn't have any exquis to not help you carry the feed

The last reason is that I used to have Toby, my other pony, but since he bucked me off, we sold him. He was really friendly and he was cuddly. So now I need another pony to make up for him. I really miss him too.

Because of all the reasons I have outlined above, deeply think that I should be aloud to have new pony now! Make sure you remember going on treks without having to stop. I know we would definitely have fun with two ponies.  

Yours Sincerely



  1. Your use of asking questions really makes the reader want to answer.

  2. I rellly like the way you used" Because of all the reasons I am about to tell you" instead of "Because of the reasons below" because they might look down. Awesome work!

  3. Awesome work kaelyn i really think you have made your mum and dad think you want a pony.......

  4. Star : You have used very persuasive text
    Wish : You could tell us what ponys you have.

  5. wow this is a persuasive piece letter I would get you a pony definitley
