Thursday, November 3, 2016

Speed and Help

The bang of the gun echos across the fields, frightening every living thing, whether miles away, or so close, yet you can’t even see it. The rabbit flies across the paddock with a spring in its step, but this is not for fun, someone wants to kill the fluffy, creamy speedster.

Tearing across the dry, long, scratchy grass, it calls for it’s friends, family and relations. They now are alerted for the danger, that could be anywhere.

The tiny rabbit, bounded into a hole, like it was never there. While hearing the nose of a hound, it’s own twitches tentatively. Footsteps ring into the rodents ears.

Once the danger has gone, he climbs out of the hole. Making no noise, he races off, but stops, to check for sure. Thudding the ground as he scratches, and bounds along happily joyous of his victory. But not for long, for he may never be safe.



We were  gathered around the table  in the dining room, outside the coldest cold, inside, the warmest warm. Eating dinner, under the electric light, suddenly ended as a power cut struck the town.

Without considering a thing, Dad stood up. His feet padding across the carpet, hardly making a sound at all. Walking into the pantry, feeling around the pots, pans and jars, until finding the treasure he hunted for.

You would think that matches wouldn’t be the most valuable thing in the world, but at this moment they were. On the table he laid out a single candle, and a match. Striking it, it fizzed into life. Fire flickered as the heat burns away the white wax, dripping onto the table.

But who, or what caused the cut?


Have you ever woken up fresh in the morning, and felt the sun, cruising on in through your window? If so, did you look through the glass pane, and see fluffy young lambs frolicking about on the lush green grass?  

I have.  

It was the first day of spring.

Fiji Snapshot


Fumbling my way across the slippery surface of the blipping and blobbing inflatable, I make my way over to the highest point, the mountain, the place where only few dared to go. Well not really. I slid down from the top, flipping and flailing my arms, until I split the surface of the water, getting deeper and deeper. I bob along the top of the turquoise water with my life jacket keeping me afloat.


Climbing back on, the obstacle doesn’t even flinch under my weight. I scramble up to the second highest point, and before I jump, I notice the faint shape of a navy blue starfish, creeping along the sandy floor, underneath the layers of crystal clear liquid. Pointing and shouting, I call for charlotte.


She takes a glance, hypnotised by its astonishing dark blue beauty. Slipping, I drag us both down. We laughed, gasping for air. Floating just meters above the magical sea creature, we gaze once more, and then splash across the surface of the warm bath. Then roll and flop back on, heading once again, to the top.



Marshmallows roasting, the smell of cow dung, the trickling of the creek. Rustling bushes, the creamy moon peeking over the horizon. Stars sparkling. My dream camping experience. Thats where I am.

I could be listening to the birds starting to roost for the night, or watching the eels swim gracefully through the water. But my eyes are drawn to the fire. The flickering flames, the heat. The smoky taste that will be crisped onto my marshmallow.

Orange, yellow, and red ribbons reach out at me, striking me with relaxing warmth.

A perfect setting, perfect skies, and a perfect marshmallow, thanks to the heat, of the wonderful campfire.

Slimy Green Tree.

Slimy, Green, Tree   

Why eat broccoli Mum?

There is no point hiding it under the thick, lumpy, cream colored vomit. Did you really think I wasn’t smart enough to find the green, chunky, smelly, horrible vegetable? Come on. It’s broccoli.

Why eat broccoli Mum?

I do understand what vitamins are in the disgusting morsel that you make me eat. I have heard you say many times that there is so much calcium to grown my bones in broccoli. But I have something to say. Icecream, chocolate and whipped cream. You want Vitamin C? Fruit, orange juice and tablets! I have enough vitamins to last me a lifetime without that sticky, dry, tiny tree anyway.

Why Eat broccoli Mum?

It’s so not fair how I don’t desert if I don’t eat my broccoli. You keep rambling on about how we made a deal. But I never shook hands! Nope. I was never, ever, ever, part of that arrangement. There are way better ways you could say this. I eat most of my dinner, and I get desert. That way, we compromise.
Why Eat broccoli Mum?

Have you ever actually looked at broccoli closely? Before you put the wretched food in your mouth, observe the texture, feel, stickiness, and how dry it is. Then put the tree into your mouth, coat it with saliva and take the time to pay good attention to the taste. Can you taste the plain, dry, buds, that arise from the sticky green stem, sticking to the roof of your mouth?

Why eat broccoli mum?

You often give us delicious meals, like seasoned, homemade chips and fresh, homekill sausages. They are so good, but you have to ruin it with a sticky, dry, vegetable.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mine and Evelyns Seasons Writing

GoodBye Winter,
        Hello Spring

Although the trees are not so bare, if you find a leaf it is pretty rare.

Although mud still lines the ground, the grass dries out when the sun comes round.

Although the concrete gets quite warm, the shadows hang around till after dawn.

Although daffodils sprout up and bloom, on the trees there’s still room.

Although eyes don’t yet screw up to the sun, you can still swim and have fun.

Although jerseys are worn in the cold, people start to strip and clothes unfold.

Although the ice slows the grass growing, you can now hear the sound of mowers mowing.

Although some go barefoot, some are still deep in hoods.

Although plants cry for the warmth of the sun, their flowers now bloom in bunches with more than one.

Although the wind whispers a cold breeze, lambs frolic about, carelessly falling on their knees.

Although calves are getting brushed an led, it’s freezing cold outside, so they get warm milk to drink,

Goodbye cold, Hello Warmth.
By Evelyn and Kaelyn.

Speed Writing

The bang of the gun echos across the fields, frightening every living thing, whether miles away, or so close, yet you can’t even see it. The rabbit flies across the paddock with a spring in its step, but this is not for fun, someone wants to kill the fluffy, creamy speedster.

Tearing across the dry, long, scratchy grass, it calls for it’s friends, family and relations. They now are alerted for the danger, that could be anywhere.

The tiny rabbit, bounded into a hole, like it was never there. While hearing the nose of a hound, it’s own twitches tentatively. Footsteps ring into the rodents ears.

Once the danger has gone, he climbs out of the hole. Making no noise, he races off, but stops, to check for sure. Thudding the ground as he scratches, and bounds along happily joyous of his victory. But not for long, for he may never be safe.

Guitar writing.

Have you ever walked into your dirty, messy room, and smelt the appealing smell of guitar zips? Have you seen the endless road of the zips path, opening a new gateway, starting a new beginning? Have you felt the smooth, shiny surface with a hole, that digs deep into the instrument?

Strumming the strings of the magical guitar, makes me overwhelmed with relaxation. Feeling the soft sounds of echoing happiness. Have you ever heard them? The way it rings through my ears and plays a soft calming beat on my eardrums.

How does music make you feel?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

7 Minute Write - Smile.

Smile August 23rd 2016

Crash! Bang! Tiny feet skidding across the carpet. Kids squeling, mothers shouting, dogs barking. These are the sounds of a three-year olds birthday party.

The chaos freezes as the word ‘food’ gets thrown into the bombsite of flailing arms. Seats screech across the tiled floor, and toddlers gather round the wooden table.

A young girl, becomes more excited as a mouth-watering, magenta coloured, chocolate cake, big enough to feed a herd of elephants geets placed in front of her.

Right then and there, a smile that was so big, that could make a world record, spread across the small brown haired girls cheeks. On top of the cake, a small fairy, dressed in a pink tulip dress, reflects the little girls happiness.

Spit and saliva layers the fondent as she blows out the candles. This memory will stay with her forever.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Colourful Outdoors.

Screenshot 2016-08-15 at 2.18.57 PM.png

My art is a bright yellow paper mache flower that stands out well against, complicated, detailed sharpie patterns.

The elements I have used in my art are:

Space, because the flower is coming out of the page, and the petals are overlapping. I used colour because I used a sudden burst of yellow, when I had the black and white patterns, and then the flower bursting off it. That also made me use light and dark. I also used texture because the paper mache petals are really  rough, and then my patterns are sharpie so they are really smooth. I also used line in the patterns, for I did lots of different unique ones.

This piece of art really challenged me, because I had to use, concentration, paience and details.

I am very proud of my art, because it shows my personality, and I like bright, colorful, things, and outdoors.

Screenshot 2016-08-19 at 2.36.57 PM.png

Thursday, August 11, 2016


I step outside, and the frost bites at my uncovered toes. Cold climbs up my body, reaching out to the pounding of my heart, creating the feeling of being in a snowstorm.

My  other foot stretches out, but darts back inside, when the icy frost, stings it, as if it were stung by a powerful wasp. Taking a deep breath, I run, skipping, and hopping, doing as well as I can, to keep the evil frost, from killing my precious feet.

I reach the cage, two, fuzzy, warm creatures, nestled inside, amounstest the hay. The wriggle and squirm as my frozen hands reach around their warm, toasty belly. I hold them for a minute, savouring the luxury of their warmth.

I place the bowl of crunchy tidbits in the cage, then replace the lid, and leave them in peace.

When the soles of my frost burnt feet reunite with the soft, comforting feel of blacky grey carpet, I finish getting ready for school, placing everything into my colorful, joyful school bag. I soon warm up.

Untill it is time to head off to school. I slip my shoes onto my feet, and grasp the handle of the frosty car door. I springs open, and I leap onto my seat, buckle in and read my book.

I now have conchored yet another frosty morning.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Art Assessment


I think it means normal, and not free flowing, because geometric shapes are not free flowing. They are like squares, circles and triangles. Organic shapes are free flowing. I think that geometry links with geometric shapes. Maybe geometry is to do with shapes? I have heard the word before though quite a lot.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Gymnastics Olympics

I woke with a start. Any moment, the alarm would go off, shrill sqeals, or dull thumping noises. Not only is it the last day of the holidays, it’s the day of my TriStar gymnastics compitition! All gymnastics clubs in the North Island are participating today! Auckland to New Pylmouth, Taupo to Morrninsville. People will even come up from chrischurch!

Packing our bags, and checking out of the hotel. Approaching the massive building that loomed above us, I open my door. Getting swallowed up into the building, allows me to feel the rock solid wooden floor beneath me. Nerves build up inside me.

Waves of relief wash into shore as I set foot onto the springy apparatus, waving to the crowd. A grin spreads across my face as I present to the judges. It grows as I do my routine, then explodes into a beaming smile as my eyes skim across the best score in the team.

Prizegiving is the best, for I win the vault, only to be presented with the biggest certificate of all time!

R - Me
A - Anyone
F - Moment in Time

T- Twisted holidays - My gym comp in Auckland.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Inside Out Art

With Mrs Dowding and Mrs Bean, we watched inside out, and then did some work about it. One thing we had to do was create a piece of art. We could either create an emotion or Riley's face that showed what she was feeling. If she was feeling happy for example, you would show that on her face. Then the background color would be yellow, or any kind of color that made you feel that happy. We also had to show the texture in the background. Whether it be, sharp and short lines, sponged, or anything that made you feel that way.
I chose Angry, and when she was little, not wanting her broccoli. Here is an image of my art.

Screenshot 2016-06-16 at 2.00.53 PM.png

Thursday, June 9, 2016

A Time I was excited.

The hustle and bustle of the airport was enough to make my excitement rise. Just a few months ago my mum and dad announced we would have a holiday. I nearly jumped out of my skin, not believing my eyes. And when they told us that we would go to the theme parks in Australia, as well as see our friends, I was going out of my mind and out of the room doing a victory dance.

The months went so slowly but now, here we are, waiting to board our plane. My eyes are blurring out and I feel like I will faint. I didn’t get any sleep last night, as the excitement took over, and at 5.00 in the morning we had to wake up, grab our bags, and take a bus to the airport

The tension and excitement grows as I walk onto the plane, I’m constantly checking the electronic map. I feel really hungry, until I see what is on the food trolley. Rubbery pasta with bitter filling, and a can of warm Sprite. - Who would eat that?

An hour later I look out the window expecting to see the endless blue that folds around us, only I don’t, I see land, which I know is our destination! Not only is the country in sight, but i can see the strip of black and white, creating the runway.

As this plane trip ends, one massive adventure is just beginning.

R.A.F.TScreenshot 2016-05-31 at 10.05.28 AM.png

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Stationary Fight

“Hi everybody, I’m power plug. I am writing to you guys to remind you that I am the best out of all the stationary and people need me the most. White and ready to charge anything that comes my way. Sometimes, my clicky, switches, have to wait to be switched on. But I am happy anytime because I know people rely on me to keep their electronics up and running. Personally, I think people need me more than anything else.”

“Um, excuse me power plug, but I’m pencilcase and I am here to tell you that you are lying. You are not the best. Sorry to interrupt but what happens if a child's pencil runs out or breaks? Can’t charge that can you? Anyway, a little about me. I am a deep purple with small bubbles like I am boiling in a pot. The word “Smiggle” rises off my…”

“PENCIL CASE! That’s enough from you zipmouth! I don’t see why you two are all up yourselves when you know that you are up against me white board, and my pure white surface. Not to mention my lime green drawers with rich blue handles. I honestly think that I am the best in Te Ao Marama.”

“Really whiteboard? You aren’t even on the stationery list! Now tell me, what do kids love most? Me of course! Who doesn’t like a chromebook? Duh? Does anyone here even know what Google means? If a kid spells a word wrong you can’t underline yourself can you? If we are having a competition, then obviously me silvery, smooth surface has won. They even hug me like they love me.”

“Hey, guys. I just realised something. We are all equal. Me as the power plug, I think that no chromebooks can’t run without me. White board, the teachers use you so much. ANd pencil case you carry pencils and sharpeners galore. Te Ao Marama is lucky to have us.”

And that was the end of that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

KFC Edible Nail Polish!

While reading the news I came across this article talking about Edible Nail polish! KFC has just released a Nail polish that is edible and supposedly tastes like their chicken. The polish is made from natural ingredients so that is how they made it edible.

People have tasted this and responded that it is more a spicy flavor and there are no traces of chicken flavor. To keep it good, you have to use it in 5 days or less and store it in the fridge.

Would you like to try it? "It's finger-lickin good!"

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Who would steal a Loo?

While reading the news I came across this article about a portaloo thief! Isn't that a bizarre thing to steal? Early on a saturday morning two hired portaloos from Aim Hire marathon in rotorua got stolen.

The toilets weighed about 250 kgs each so they would be hard to steal. The manager of the marathon was disgusted when he found out they had been stolen, for the thief could cost the organisers $5000. Senior Sergeant Courtney Brunt said that someone must know what is going on because it is a strange item to be targeted.

But let’s face it. Who would steal a loo!?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

We need to Remember.

We need to remember,
all that went to war.
the sacrifice they made.
all those that died.
We need to remember, them.

We need to remember, all the nurses, saving lives.
the uniforms they wore.
the mud and rain, they trudged through.
We need to remember, the bombs going off in no man's land.

We need to remember, to visit war memorials, to remember all these special people.
We need to remember, the wonderful flanders fields, once with poppies, turned into mud.

We need to remember to wear a poppy.

Tigers are Increasing their Numbers!

Guess what! The amount of tigers in the wild are growing! This is the first time in conservation in history that the numbers have gone up. Tigers are an endangered species. 100 years ago there was 100,000 tigers in the wild. Due to poaching and losing there homes, the numbers have gone down. Now though, the numbers of Tigers in the wild are going up.

People hope that by the next chinese new year, the numbers will have doubled. Even though the numbers are increasing, people say that “There is still work to be done.”

Monday, April 11, 2016

Man Pays to sleep in a Box.

Peter Berkowitz pays to sleep in a box, which he calls a "Pod". The "Pod" He sleeps in is no larger than a bookshelf. It is only one meter high, and he struggles to get his pants on in the morning. He says that his home is "Honestly very comfortable". He pays $400 a month to stay in it. He has full access to all their food and drink.    

Here is a picture of inside his "Pod"

Screenshot 2016-04-11 at 9.58.40 AM.png

It may look big, but as I said it is only one meter high and you would be shocked to know that it is only 2.5 metres long.

Peter makes a living in his “Comfortable Pod”

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My Everyday Hero - My Dad

My Dad.

My Dad is a perfect example of an everyday hero. Being a role model, having respect and being friendly, are a few examples of what qualities a hero could have. My Dad is everyone of those things, but don’t think those are the only qualities he has...

My dad has a unique sense of humor and can cheer anyone up. He has a spacious imagination for telling stories. Having his scruffy, ginger hair makes him look like his imagination is on top of his head. Shining blue eyes reflect on to me and it makes him look so cheerful. He is such a happy person that lots of people want to be around.

If anything is worrying me, he has no trouble cheering me up. He either makes a funny face, or says something about what I’m worried about that is absolutely ridiculous. No one can be sad around him. Having such a playful laugh, I end up laughing too.

My Dad is my everyday hero. I love his smile, I love his sense of humor, I love him all, and he loves me.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

News Article - Flies!

Flies have ruined John Berry's summer. He is now on a mission to prevent his neighborhood from having flies, by trying to catch 58 million. The place this this is happening is Tokoroa. He says they are “filthy pests” and has set many homemade traps.

There are a few people arguing against “Bugman”, because flies fill a vital role in the environment. The flies eat lots of rubbish that nothing else eats.

John has made lots of traps from barrels and cans. He plans to kill as many flies as possible. Seven traps have been set around the edge of town, with the help of volunteers, willing to give the traps a go.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

My Writing goal for 2016

My writing goal for 2016 is to make sure I don't have all the words that I don't need, only the ones that need to be there.