Thursday, September 24, 2015

My Learning Goals

  1. This term, the most challenging / difficult thing for me was.... Working in the companies and groups for the moving thing because some of my group weren’t cooperating with each other.
  2. I now know / I discovered… That systems make up our life and I have learnt a lot about systems.
  3. The most enjoyable / fun part of the term was… Moving into the hall and working in different environment.
  4. I wonder if… Moving into the hall changes some kids learning and how they work.

  1. Next term, my goal is to / my next step is… to properly understand my maths and work as hard as I can and improve on things.


Newsletter Article - The Big Move

As you have heard, in the last few weeks, Hub Two have moved into the hall. Plus, there have been construction workers, diggers and trucks coming in lately. You are probably wondering why is all this is happening, and how are we learning in this environment.
Well, it isn't all bad. It may seem as though we are getting distracted by all the noise, but we are learning to control ourselves properly. We are no longer having one teacher, but are having three different teachers, and are getting more choices to how we are going to work. We have learnt to monitor ourselves, and be self aware of the choices we are making, and where we are sitting.

I am finding it very fun in the hall, and I am achieving more. I think it’s because I have more spaces to learn, and more freedom with what I want to do. I also am learning to be more aware of where I am sitting and how I am working.

See, I told you that learning in the hall doesn’t affect our learning at all. Remember that it may seem like it’s loud, but now, we don’t even notice it. Also, we are still learning the same way as we were in our old classrooms, but now we are in one big space instead of three small spaces.

By Kaelyn

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Me Straddling the Fence.

One day I was walking along the wet fence in very slippery gumboots and I slipped. And you guessed it, I straddled the fence. When I finally got up to the house, my bum was very sore and I had big scrapes on it. That night before my big accident my calf had kicked me three times! Twice on my leg and once on my arm. So I was very bumped and bruised the next day. Now, that fence is my enemy.

The Time I Never Forget.

One day, I was riding my new bike down a hill in town, and guess what, I forgot which brake was which. I raced down the hill and when I was going to stop, I pulled the front brake and the front of the bike stopped, but the back of the bike flew up. It seemed as though the bike bucked me off and I flew through the air like superman. It was fun until I landed half an my face, and half on my chest. I also scraped my knees. We walked slowly home and the next morning, I had big scabs and bruises. Now that bike is to small for me now so I got a new one and gave my old one to my brother. The first thing I told him, was that when he is going down a hill, never pull the front brake!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Senior School Rebuild

Senior School Rebuild.

The Senior School at DSS is having a big change. We are no longer Room 1,2,3,4 and 5 We are Hub 1 and Hub2.
The buildings had to be knocked down so that we could make the classrooms change into what we wanted them.

When we were ready, a big truck came and unloaded a humongous digger. We were all watching from the window fascinated, until Mr Marks said we could go outside and watch what they were doing up close. When we out there the Digger was smashing down Mr Gunns Office and Mrs Sinclair's.

It was very noisy. I wondered if the junior school and middle school  could hear it and were struggling to learn.

That is what was happening with the rebuild so far.

Daffodil Art

First we got some hessium and cut it down the semes. Then we pulled all the little threads out that were hanging around.
After that we had some threads that were attached to the top and bottom of the cut lines. We chose some green wool that we liked and wrapped it around. Screenshot 2015-09-11 at 2.11.18 PM.png
After that we cut out the daffodil shapes and glued them on. Then we stuck our art onto a colored piece of paper. Then we had finished.