Wednesday, August 24, 2016

7 Minute Write - Smile.

Smile August 23rd 2016

Crash! Bang! Tiny feet skidding across the carpet. Kids squeling, mothers shouting, dogs barking. These are the sounds of a three-year olds birthday party.

The chaos freezes as the word ‘food’ gets thrown into the bombsite of flailing arms. Seats screech across the tiled floor, and toddlers gather round the wooden table.

A young girl, becomes more excited as a mouth-watering, magenta coloured, chocolate cake, big enough to feed a herd of elephants geets placed in front of her.

Right then and there, a smile that was so big, that could make a world record, spread across the small brown haired girls cheeks. On top of the cake, a small fairy, dressed in a pink tulip dress, reflects the little girls happiness.

Spit and saliva layers the fondent as she blows out the candles. This memory will stay with her forever.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Colourful Outdoors.

Screenshot 2016-08-15 at 2.18.57 PM.png

My art is a bright yellow paper mache flower that stands out well against, complicated, detailed sharpie patterns.

The elements I have used in my art are:

Space, because the flower is coming out of the page, and the petals are overlapping. I used colour because I used a sudden burst of yellow, when I had the black and white patterns, and then the flower bursting off it. That also made me use light and dark. I also used texture because the paper mache petals are really  rough, and then my patterns are sharpie so they are really smooth. I also used line in the patterns, for I did lots of different unique ones.

This piece of art really challenged me, because I had to use, concentration, paience and details.

I am very proud of my art, because it shows my personality, and I like bright, colorful, things, and outdoors.

Screenshot 2016-08-19 at 2.36.57 PM.png

Thursday, August 11, 2016


I step outside, and the frost bites at my uncovered toes. Cold climbs up my body, reaching out to the pounding of my heart, creating the feeling of being in a snowstorm.

My  other foot stretches out, but darts back inside, when the icy frost, stings it, as if it were stung by a powerful wasp. Taking a deep breath, I run, skipping, and hopping, doing as well as I can, to keep the evil frost, from killing my precious feet.

I reach the cage, two, fuzzy, warm creatures, nestled inside, amounstest the hay. The wriggle and squirm as my frozen hands reach around their warm, toasty belly. I hold them for a minute, savouring the luxury of their warmth.

I place the bowl of crunchy tidbits in the cage, then replace the lid, and leave them in peace.

When the soles of my frost burnt feet reunite with the soft, comforting feel of blacky grey carpet, I finish getting ready for school, placing everything into my colorful, joyful school bag. I soon warm up.

Untill it is time to head off to school. I slip my shoes onto my feet, and grasp the handle of the frosty car door. I springs open, and I leap onto my seat, buckle in and read my book.

I now have conchored yet another frosty morning.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Art Assessment


I think it means normal, and not free flowing, because geometric shapes are not free flowing. They are like squares, circles and triangles. Organic shapes are free flowing. I think that geometry links with geometric shapes. Maybe geometry is to do with shapes? I have heard the word before though quite a lot.