Monday, February 16, 2015

The Best Summer Ever
The sand on the beach tickles my toes as I run into the salty waves of the sea. The salty water washes all the sweat away and I just feel free like a fish. I race back out and I build a big sand castle. It is decorated with shells and sticks. I dig a moat around it. The water comes crashing in.  1,2,3, JUMP! I land on the castle and crush it until my castle is gone. I race to my parents and drag them into the water with the crashing waves.  We splash and have fun. I climb the fallen tree and launch myself down into the soft sand. We go to wash off and then get an Ice cream. Mmm, Orange Chocolate Chip Ice cream dripping down my chin. Later on we have a bbq with all my cousins and flop into bed and watch a movie.
The next morning we bike down to the market and I get a sparkly tattoo. We biked back home and ate so much refreshing watermelon we felt sick. At dinner time we had hot dogs for dinner then  Ice cream and Cheesecake for pudding. I fall into bed and we talk for a while. Suddenly we all fall asleep.
In the morning we pack and go for one last swim in the salty sea. None of us want to go home because it is so much fun at the beach. But we have animals at home so we have to go. On the way home we stop at my grandparents. I climb the walnut tree while we are picking walnuts. I shake the heavy branch and they all come tumbling down.  A couple of them land on my brothers head. Then we go inside and crack them with a hammer and me and my brother eat ourselves silly on them. Then we have to keep going home.
That was the best summer ever. I wish Summer wasn’t over.

By Kaelyn.

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