Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Best Weekend Ever.

Sizzle, sizzle, I hear the sausages sizzling on the barbeque. We are having a barbecue with our friends the Bryants and the Keoghs. All the kids are playing Go Home, Stay Home. It is a bit like Hide and Seek. I am playing and I am last to be found. We want to keep playing but it starts raining. Then we have a dance party. We ask if we can have a sleepover. We desperately want the answer but they say that they will think about it. 2 minutes later we go and ask again. The answer is Yes! Yahoo! When the beds are ready we flop into them and fall asleep.

The next morning we woke up really early. Then we turned the T.V on and watched the movie “Bolt” Then all the little kids woke up. About an hour later Alex and Hollies Mum came to pick them up. All the rest of us started playing.

Then my Mum came to pick me and My friend Charlotte up to go riding up my grandparents farm. The drive seemed to go so slow. But that was ok because everyone in the back got chocolate milk and hot chips.

Finally we got there and my mum got the horse out of the float. The horses name is Trampy. As soon as Trampy is tacked up we get going. The first few hills I have to walk while Charlotte gets the first turn on trampy. I become the gate opener. It seems like one moment later I am on the horse riding and Charlotte is now the gate opener. We swop on every hilltop. All too soon it is over.

But… Next thing I know we are traveling to the waterhole. After we got there we slipped on our togs and wetsuit and are jumping in. I fly through the air and my body hits the ice cold water. It is so refreshing. Then before I know I am jumping off the highest point you can possibly jump off. I am so proud of myself.

Now we are heading home. Boo Hoo. My amazing weekend is over. I wonder what will happen next weekend?

By Kaelyn.

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