Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Our Pumpkin.

I chose this pumpkin because it was me and my brothers pumpkin. Also it was the heaviest.
I am so proud so I thought that I should do it.
I also watered it as well and made sure that we didn’t damage it or the roots or the leaves.

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By Kaelyn.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Swimming Sports.

I heard giggles and chatting when walked down the concrete path to the  college pool for swimming sports. My heart was pounding and I had butterflies in my stomach. They felt like the biggest butterflies ever!The cars had taken our bags but I still felt like something heavy was on my back. I tried to act as confident as possible, but all my feelings just blurted out all at once to my friends. I was so embarrassed. Luckily they felt the same way. I felt so relieved.

When we got there and I found a place to sit, I put all my junk there. Then I got my bright green cap and goggles on and listened to Mr Gunn. He explained what a false start was and what a proper start was. Even a boy named Ashton got to make an example for us to see.  When Mr Gunn had said everything we needed to know, we started. And that was when the races began.

The Three Stroke Medley was first. Backstroke was the first stroke in the medley. The whistle blew and they jumped in the pool ready to start. Take your marks, Beep! The buzzer beeped and the swimmers pushed off the wall and started swimming. They all swam so fast! Then breaststroke, the second stroke in the medley, started off and I heard cheers and roars from the all the parents and the students who wern’t swimming. I joined in the cheering. Then then medley finished off with freestyle. Age group after age group, all the swimmers in the medley did it.

Now it was time for the freestyle event. I was in that everyone was. Everyone had too. Heats and finals. Finally it was my turn. When the buzzer beeped, I leaped from the ground and dove into the freezing cold water. It felt like the coldest water I had ever swam in. Suddenly all the butterflies disappeared. I felt happy, proud, and free. The freestyle was over all too soon.

The next event was backstroke. The butterflies came back but I pushed past them and was confident. When it was my turn I went and lined up and made sure the butterflies stayed down. “I can do this.” I told myself. The glittering water was right there in front of me. When the whistle blew I hopped into the water. Beep! The buzzer went and I whizzed off the wall and started swimming. By the time I got out I was puffed and drenched. I was amazed and happy. I came 1st!

Now it is time for the relay and I am in it. Yay! I get to swim for Rm 5! I am the 2nd person to swim. I am about to dive in. Before I can think about what is going on, I am swimming my heart out to the finish. Wow! I have touched the wall and the 3rd person has jumped in and they are swimming so fast! Finally the last person has dived in. Yay! They touched
the wall and we came 4th!
The next event was breaststroke. And, for some reason the butterflies didn’t come back. “Good” I said to myself. And I carried on. Another funny thing was that when I jumped in the water didn’t seem so cold. I felt happy and relieved then my two hands touched the wall and I was finished. I came 3rd.

I was happy with my  results from throughout the day. Every bit of me was proud of myself.Now swimming sports is over, I can enjoy the rest of the year.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Best Weekend Ever.

Sizzle, sizzle, I hear the sausages sizzling on the barbeque. We are having a barbecue with our friends the Bryants and the Keoghs. All the kids are playing Go Home, Stay Home. It is a bit like Hide and Seek. I am playing and I am last to be found. We want to keep playing but it starts raining. Then we have a dance party. We ask if we can have a sleepover. We desperately want the answer but they say that they will think about it. 2 minutes later we go and ask again. The answer is Yes! Yahoo! When the beds are ready we flop into them and fall asleep.

The next morning we woke up really early. Then we turned the T.V on and watched the movie “Bolt” Then all the little kids woke up. About an hour later Alex and Hollies Mum came to pick them up. All the rest of us started playing.

Then my Mum came to pick me and My friend Charlotte up to go riding up my grandparents farm. The drive seemed to go so slow. But that was ok because everyone in the back got chocolate milk and hot chips.

Finally we got there and my mum got the horse out of the float. The horses name is Trampy. As soon as Trampy is tacked up we get going. The first few hills I have to walk while Charlotte gets the first turn on trampy. I become the gate opener. It seems like one moment later I am on the horse riding and Charlotte is now the gate opener. We swop on every hilltop. All too soon it is over.

But… Next thing I know we are traveling to the waterhole. After we got there we slipped on our togs and wetsuit and are jumping in. I fly through the air and my body hits the ice cold water. It is so refreshing. Then before I know I am jumping off the highest point you can possibly jump off. I am so proud of myself.

Now we are heading home. Boo Hoo. My amazing weekend is over. I wonder what will happen next weekend?

By Kaelyn.

Kaelyns Mihimihi. English.